

Hola Familia,

Well it seems like you guys have had quite a busy and great week up there in Alabama! That's awesome that you guys were able to see the pictures that I put up! I put up even more this week and they're actually pretty cool pictures! You guys should go look at them, I think you'll like them a lot. (There's a cool sneak peek of where we live and what we eat and drink for breakfast and dinner everyday down here in Lima Peru and a cool Star Wars exhibit here in a very popular mall called Plaza Norte) I will say, this new camera has actually sparked a small interest in taking more pictures. But if I'm going to take more pictures, I'm also hoping to see more pictures from you guys as well.

That is so awesome that Clara is going to be getting baptized here pretty soon. Time really flies by quickly... That's sp nice that Mama Lynne is going to make her a dress for her baptism. It should be really special and I'm sure it'll make her super happy.

So down here in Lima Peru, the work of the lord is progressing greatly! As of right now we have 5 baptisms in the Zona. We have 12 more people to be baptized and a few more people to help get ready to get baptized this month. We're gonna work really hard to help these people to understand the importance of the Savior in their lives so that they will make the decision to follow him and try there best to be more like him everyday. I really like being a Zone leader(even though you don't sleep at all for example, last night I went to bed at 12:30 after getting everyone's numbers and I still have to wake up at 6:30). You get to go around your zone and meet the people that your missionaries are teaching. It's really great! You see how they progressing and the changes that they make to put their lives in line with our Heavenly Father. Its SUPER awesome!

Well that's about it. I'm not sick and I'm doing just fine!
I love you guys a lot!
-Elder Wilson

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