

Hola Familia,

Happy Leap day! It seems like you guys have had quite a great week. I saw the pictures that you guys put up on dropbox. It seems like Lily and Clara had quite a fun time at the winter festival. Here in Peru it's summer and it's really hot and humid outside. That's so awesome that Maddie is gonna come out with me to BYU-I! It's gonna be super awesome! Meeting new people and making new friends is a great experience as well, helps you grow a lot as a person. It's awesome!! Mom Please don't put me for early morning classes. If they could start at 9 in the morning that would be wonderful. I've already tried doing it before, and well it didn't work to well. So.... I already know what's going to happen if I do it again! hahahaha!

Down here in Lima Peru, the work of the Lord is progressing. This past week we had 3 baptisms in the zone. So we're going to end this month with 16 baptisms! We're extremely grateful for what the Lord has helped us to achieve and were extremely excited to work even harder to baptize even more people in March. In March we already have 4 people that are going to get baptized, and we have a lot of potential for this coming month. Elder Brown and I are going to work extremely hard to set a good goal and achieve it. It's going to be super cool. Being a Zone leader is a ton of work! We never have nothing to do, EVER. If there's nothing going on in our area, there's always something to do in another area. It's really cool because you get to meet all the people that the other missionaries are teaching. I've met lots of cool people and interviewed lots of cool people. I'm really enjoying it.

In our area we're still teaching the older man and his son. It's going well. He has a small problem with drinking and were trying to help him fully repent of that sin. He has really stopped drinking a lot. Basically he's gone from being a drunk in the street everyday to a guy who drinks just a bottle on Sunday... I know Sunday. In Peru Sunday is basically the day where EVERYONE gets drunk. We're really starting to see the Lord work within him. Please pray for him! He's getting close to being baptized. He just needs to stop drinking so much and he'll be good to go!

I love you guys!
-Elder Wilson



Hola Familia!

Well it seems like you guys have had a pretty normal week up there in the United States! It's about the same down here in Peru. Nothing different really has changed. Just the normal mission stuff is happening- lots of teaching, contacting, baptizing, and reactivation down here in Lima.

I will say this, it's extremely hot outside! There's a tradition that during the month of February everyone plays with water, and of course, gets drunk while doing it. I don't really know if I've ever been able to explain the amount of drinking there is on Sunday! Just about EVERYONE is in the street drinking on Sunday- every single week during the year. It's really sad, but anyway, what's so special about february is that they play with water.

They fill up water balloons, buckets, pools, and water guns- full of water. Then what do they do? Every single person they see, they try to get them soaking wet. Especially the ¨Gringashos and Mormones¨!!! So yesterday I had a few water balloons thrown at me and water thrown at me from a bunch of drunk people. It was really funny and refreshing because it's really hot!! But at the same time you get wet in nice clothes, so it's kind of one of those win-lose situations.

Well the work is going really well in the zone of Independencia! This last weekend we had 8 baptismes in the zone! So as of now we have 13 baptisms! Thats already 1 more than we had last month and we still have baptisms for this week! So were going to work super hard so that we can get even more than 13! But yeah the mission is really awesome.

Right now we're teaching a really cool guy and his son. The guy was a drunk that contacted us on the street and the next day we went to his house. He's really cool. He has stopped drinking and has gone to church twice. We're really working with him to help him strengthen his faith in Christ and repent of ALL of his sins. He's basically confessed everything he had done in his life to us and with that information were really able to help him set goals and understand the blessings and consequences of keeping or disobeying the commandments. He should get baptized next month. Please pray for him, he really needs help.

ALWAYS remember that there ARE consequences for committing sins! You can't trick, escape, or run away from them! Have Faith, Repent of your sins, Keep your covenants. If you do it, you will have joy! It's a promise.

Well I love you guys a lot!
-Elder Wilson



Hola Familia,

Well it seems like you guys have had quite a busy and great week up there in Alabama! That's awesome that you guys were able to see the pictures that I put up! I put up even more this week and they're actually pretty cool pictures! You guys should go look at them, I think you'll like them a lot. (There's a cool sneak peek of where we live and what we eat and drink for breakfast and dinner everyday down here in Lima Peru and a cool Star Wars exhibit here in a very popular mall called Plaza Norte) I will say, this new camera has actually sparked a small interest in taking more pictures. But if I'm going to take more pictures, I'm also hoping to see more pictures from you guys as well.

That is so awesome that Clara is going to be getting baptized here pretty soon. Time really flies by quickly... That's sp nice that Mama Lynne is going to make her a dress for her baptism. It should be really special and I'm sure it'll make her super happy.

So down here in Lima Peru, the work of the lord is progressing greatly! As of right now we have 5 baptisms in the Zona. We have 12 more people to be baptized and a few more people to help get ready to get baptized this month. We're gonna work really hard to help these people to understand the importance of the Savior in their lives so that they will make the decision to follow him and try there best to be more like him everyday. I really like being a Zone leader(even though you don't sleep at all for example, last night I went to bed at 12:30 after getting everyone's numbers and I still have to wake up at 6:30). You get to go around your zone and meet the people that your missionaries are teaching. It's really great! You see how they progressing and the changes that they make to put their lives in line with our Heavenly Father. Its SUPER awesome!

Well that's about it. I'm not sick and I'm doing just fine!
I love you guys a lot!
-Elder Wilson



Hola Familia!

It seems like you guys have had a great week! I am really happy to hear that Dad's surgery went well and that he is alright! Yup! Hermana Dearden should be getting around 18 months now! I get it this week! It's crazy, right! I've been on my mission for a year and a half... Time really flies... Its crazzzzzzy! I can still remember the Mexico MTC like if it were yesterday. Oh well, I'm all pumped up to give it my all these last 6 months!

Down here in Lima, Peru everything is going good! Today is transfers and I don't have one! I have 4 transfers left on the mission. I'll probably stay here as a Zone Leader for about 2 or 3 transfers and then I'll get another change! Whoo! Time really flies! This last week was a pretty busy one! We had a goal meeting as a zone to set our new goal for the month of February! We set a goal of 22 baptisms! My companion and I want to really help the zone to pick its self up and start baptizing like it used to. When we got here the zone only baptized 5 people. Normally it baptizes like 15-20 people. When we got here we worked with what we had and got that number up to 12. Now with the 32 people that have gone to church we want to get that number up to 22! Were planning on working extremely hard with the Zone so that we can Surpass our goal! Its gonna be super awesome! I'm not that tired anymore actually. I think my body is really getting used to it now. Thats a big relief!

My companion and I are working with a lot of families and a few other older men that we found these last 2 weeks! We're having trouble getting them to come down to church right now. We've set goals and changed a few things so that we can get them to go to church this coming Sunday! I pray that everything will go the way the Lord wants it to!

So I've learned quite a lot during this last transfer! The thing that I keep going back to is to build a stronger testimony we have to do the will of our Heavenly Father. This will help us to be happy. I really love the mission and honestly I don't want it to end!

Love you guys a lot!
-Elder Wilson



Hola Familia,

Well it seems like you guys have been having a really great time up there in Gringoland! That's super awesome what Samuel was able to achieve in band! It sounds like he's really good at playing the trumpet! Way better than me! Maybe he can keep going and get into a professional orchestra! That would be super awesome! Keep it up Samuel!

So down here in Chololandia everything's going good. Yesterday I think just about everyone was under the influence of alcohol and having fun taking naps in the middle of the street and on the sidewalk. It was pretty bad yesterday. I've been here for 18 months now and I don't think I have ever seen it THIS bad. I think it is because it's SO hot right now. It was really sad to see everyone like that, but at the same time we had some realllllly funny experiences with all the drunk peruanos. I love them! hahaha!

This last week has been quite a busy and awesome week. The work is really progressing down here in Lima, Peru. I don't feel as tired as I felt before. I think I'm getting used to it! I like that. As a zone were going to finish this month with 12 baptisms! I'm really grateful for the hard work that has been done and for the blessing that our Heavenly Father has given us. However, we had a goal of 13 baptisms, so were sad that we didn't meet the goal, but happy that we were able to help EVERY companionship baptize this month in our zone! It was super great!

This month were going to go into it working super hard! We have 5 people that have accepted to be baptize and we have tons of potentials so we might be able to get around 15 to 20 baptisms if everything goes well!

I'm having lots fun and I'm learning quite a lot as a zone leader! I can really feel the Lord in my life and how he can really strengthen us as we are obedient to his commandments!

Love you guys a lot!
-Elder Wilson