Week 3


Hola Familia! 

So the past week has been filled with tons of exciting and interesting things. I've been writing them in my Journal then writing them on here so I don't forget anything.  So I just made it to Alma in the Book of Mormon. My testimony is increasing about how this book can help people and the problems in their life. I posted a few pictures from today on the drop box check them out! Me and my companion have been teaching four people. They all have different needs and backgrounds so its been a great learning experience to figure out how to teach each one of them specifically. A really cool thing that happened this past week was that I had another experience where I just started speaking Spanish and had no idea how I was doing it. We were teaching one of our investigators when we got onto the subject of what the Gospel of Christ was. I started to explain it and just kept going and going. Faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the holy ghost, and enduring until the end. I explained exactly what they were and how it applied to the investigators life in SPANISH. It was an amazing experience. On Sunday I had the chance to sing with two other people in my district in Spanish during sacrament meeting. Everyone said we did well and that they felt the spirit. We sang, "How great thou Art" in Spanish. Yesterday was a good day, we taught our investigator about the restoration of the Gospel. It was awesome. That's about it for the spiritual stuff. I'm learning a lot and it's great!

 -So on the daily living side, the power keeps going out at night here. It's pretty weird. The food has been getting better and better. I've met a lot of new people that came this past Wednesday. One is from Florida so that's cool. We're learning the Mexican Nation Anthem for Mexican Independence day! My teachers said that it's going to be one CRAZY night.  Fireworks all night, parties, live music, and tons more. It should be a pretty interesting night! I've been playing a lot of cage soccer with the Natives from Central and South America. They're really good. I've met a bunch of people from Lima, Peru! I've asked them what it's like and they say that I'm going to love it and that everyone loves white boys! haha! I get to go to the Temple next Tuesday, so my Email will come much later, but will have TONS of pictures for you to look at.  I'm half way done with my training here and I've learned so much! I can't believe I am saying this, but I hope my trainer is a native. It will help me SO much.

Okay so Mom, there is a really cool website called www.missionarypackagemx.com You can send me all sorts of goodies and food straight to the CCM through that website, and even include a letter! What they do is, they get your order through the website then go to costco and buy all the stuff. It gets here that day or the Next! My companion has gotten two! Its really cool. If they have something like that in Peru ill let you know! I will share everything you send, just don't send donuts please! Everything else is good! I've lost like 5 pounds of fat and id like to not gain it back!

Tell Gretchen that I got her letters, and that I was happy to hear from her! Tell her that Emails work the best, but I love letters too and give her that website address too.

I think that's it. Check out the pictures there should be one with Natives from Peru, Honduras, Paraguay, and Mexico!
I miss you all and Love all of you!

Love, Elder Wilson

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