

Hola Familia!

Well, it seems like everything is going okay up there in Alabama. That's awesome that you guys were able to finish working on the house! The pictures look great on Dropbox! It's sad to hear that Samuel got poison ivy. Just be patient and don't touch it and it will go away. It's odd to hear about all the school stuff that's happening. I feel like school just ended for you guys!

Well this past week we had a baptism! Whoo!!! It was really awesome to see what probably is my last baptism here on the mission. It was really awesome and I really enjoyed the baptismal service. The bishop baptized our investigator and I had the chance to confirm him a member of the church and give the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was a very special confirmation for me. But yeah, it was really awesome! So now we're working with some people that went to church and were still looking for the birth certificate of our family that wants to get married and baptized. Other than that, the work is progressing and we're finding some great new people!

So the new mission president is going really great! I can definitely tell the difference between the two, but I know that both of them have been called of God to lead the mission here in the Peru Lima North mission! I'ts definitely different, but a good different!

This week is going to be a fun week for my companion and I. We're going to go to the center of Lima tomorrow and then we're going to go to the temple on Thursday. It should be an awesome spiritual week. So that's really about everything that's happening down here in Lima, Peru!

I'm not that nervous to drive again, but it might be a couple days until I get used to it again, but I'm excited to do it!

Love you guys a lot!
-Elder Wilson



Hola Familia!

So it seems like you guys are having a great time up there in Alabama! High Adventure looked awesome! I definitely miss the high adventures that we did up in the Appalachian mountains. It was really sweet! Those pictures look super awesome! I haven't seen anything that green for 2 years and it definitely makes me want to head up to the mountains to see something like that again.

Well down here in Peru nothing has changed really, other than the fact that this week were going to have a baptism! Whoo! Our investigator Gabriel is going to get baptized this Saturday! He's really excited and wants Saturday to already get here! So we're really excited for the Saturday. Other than that we're stilling waiting on the birth certificates to get here, and the divorces take a really long time so its just a matter of being patient and everything will come out okay!

During the week we found some really awesome people to teach. this week were going to work really hard with them and help them make the decision to be baptized and accept the restored gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives. It's so amazing to see the blessings that come into the lives of people who accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. Just as much as it helps them, it helps me to know that what I'm doing is extremely important and it helps me to fortify and strengthen my own testimony. I know that only through the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ can we gain true happiness and peace in this life and achieve our full potential in the life it come. I know that Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God and that He lives.

Well other than that we're working hard and being obedient!

Love you guys a ton!
See ya soon!
-Elder Wilson



Hola Familia!

Happy 4th of July!!!

Well it seems like you guys are having an awesome summer break up there in Alabama. Scout camp, high adventure and other awesome things! So obviously down here in Peru the people don't do anything for the 4th of July, but their Independence day is the 28 of July so I'll be here to see that again! It's really awesome!

So the work is really starting to progress! The family we're going to marry is really changing and starting to obey all of the commandments that the Lord has given us. For the first time in 3 months the husband when to church! It was amazing to see him in church! It was also fast and testimony meeting and was the last time I will bare my testimony in church here in Peru! It was sad, but it edified me, so I feel good about it!

Our baptism is going to be pushed back a week to the 16th now. He needs to go to church one more time so that he can get baptized. We also want to help him better understand the promises he's going to make with our Heavenly Father! So it will be for the 16th now! Whoo!

We got to meet the new Mission President! It was cool to see how a brand new mission president is compared to one that has 3 years of experience. It's definitely different, but I really enjoyed it! His name is President Godfrey and I know that he has been called of God to direct the work in this mission!

So other than that, everything is looking awesome! I still have 4 weeks to serve the Lord and I plan on doing it as hard as I can!

Love you guys a ton!
-Elder Wilson



Hola Familia!

Well, it seems like there's a lot of changes going on in the ward. That's really awesome that Brother Tuck is now Bishop Tuck and that a bunch of other stuff is happening in the ward. I know that these people have been called of God to have these callings in his Kingdom! Listen to what the have to say and you will be blessed.

It's cool to hear that you guys are doing so much stuff up there in Alabama! Scout camp, high adventure and more! That's really awesome! I bet the house looks absolutely amazing because of all the projects that you guys have been doing!

So down here in Lima everything is going awesome! We have a baptism for the 9th of July! We found a really cool older man named Gabriel. He's really awesome and wants to get baptized! We are also teaching a few other people who have gone to church, but because of marriage, divorce, or parental permission they aren't ready to be baptized yet, but things are coming along. I think the marriages will be ready for July and they'll be able to get baptized as I end the mission.

Well other than that I'm okay, I'm not sick, and I'm really enjoying the mission!
Love you guys a ton!
-Elder Wilson



Hola Familia!

Well it seems like you guys are having a great time up there in Alabama. Youth Conference, Scout Camp and a bunch of other fun exciting things! That's really awesome! Well I'm gonna keep this email short because I really don't have too much to say.

So today in the mission there are transfers, but my companion and I don't have transfers, so I'll be with Elder Huaman for my last transfer here on the mission. I really can not believe that my last transfer is here.... They go by so fast and I'm in my last one. Well just more motive to work as hard as I can and leave everything on the field.

Down here in Lima everything is going awesome! We had some new investigators go to church yesterday and they really liked it! This week our goal is to invite them to be baptized and accept a baptismal date. We're gonna do it! This Wednesday we're going to start the divorce process with that families that need it so they can get married to their new spouse. It takes about a month, so maybe they'll get baptized before I head out. Well other than that, everything is going super great!

Love you guys a lot!
-Elder Wilson



Hola Familia,

Well it seems like you guys are quite busy up there in Alabama. It's sad to hear that the Jensens are moving. Well that's awesome that you were able to register me for classes! I would definitely like to take the CS-124. So that I can refresh and dominate those skills in C++. I took those classes almost 5 years ago. I would like to take them again. Also I would definitely love to minor in Spanish. If I only need 10 hours more it would be really easy. Well this week I don't have very much time to write but I'll try to at least to update you guys on what's happening down here in Peru.

This last week went really well. We had an amazing opportunity to listen to the words of an Apostle of Jesus Christ! It was really awesome! I learned a ton of new things and his talk helped fortify my testimony in the Lord Jesus Christ and what he wants us to do as missionaries. I know that Elder Rasband is a special witness of Jesus Christ, an Apostle of the Lord. He talked a ton about being an example and having Charity towards one another. It was amazing.

Well, we have a really cool teenage boy who is progressing and 3 other families that went to church this last Sunday. They need to get married so thats a looooooooooooong process, but were gonna do all that we can! It's moving along really well and I hope that we can get them married in July! It would be an amazing way to finish my mission. Also the teenage boy has a goal to get baptized on the 25th! Please pray for them!

Well, other than that, there's not much else to write about. My companion is doing really well in his Spanish, he speak almost normal now. I think in 6 weeks he'll be just fine.

Oh, i put 2 picture up on dropbox. This is a food called Tokush. It's called bad potato. Look it up on youtube. Im sure theres tons of videos. We had to eat it.

Love you guys!.
-Elder Wilson



Hola Familia!

Well it seems like you guys are having a great Summer Break up there in Alabama! Don't waste a second of it!

This week has been a pretty good week down here in Lima Peru. Right now we're working with some really amazing families and people. A lot of the families that we're teaching need to get married and they're getting really excited to do it this month or next month! We also are teaching a few teenagers and young single adults the gospel and they're starting to progress. So please pray for them!

Well this week was a bit special because we didn't have Church this Sunday! This last week the country had the elections for President of Peru and they vote on Sunday. If they don't vote they get fined so church was canceled. We wanted our investigators to go to something related to church so on Saturday night we watched Meet the Mormons with the investigators. It was really awesome! I think it really helps investigators to see the mormon culture and the traditions that we have as members of the Church. I really liked it!

So this week is going to be really awesome! This Friday the new Apostle Elder Rasband is going to come and train us! It's going to be really awesome! I'm really looking forward to the chance to listen and hear the words of a special witness of Christ. I'm sure I'll have tons to tell you guys next week, but other than that, everything is going great. I'm healthy and really excited to work work work and work!!.

Love you guys!
-Elder Wilson