Hola Familia!



Entonces, estoy les escribiendo hoy porque en el lunes nosotros somos teniendo The Entire Mission Football Match. So yo necesito escribirles hoy! Oh Feliz Cumpleaños Maddie! Yo recuerdo teniendo 17 años. Que fue mi ultimo año en escuela.

So during the last week a lot has happened! My third companion moved to the offices of the mission so it's just me and Elder Pastenes. On P-day we went to the mall and it's really nice. I think it is nicer than madison square. I can buy ANYTHING there. So, if you will put money on my card I can buy clothes and other stuff. In the mall its the same price, more or less, than the prices in the US. However, in the Grand Terminal shopping area they sell EVERYTHING for pretty cheap, it's just not as good quality. So, for pants if you'll just put money on the Card I can buy them here.

So we've taught a lot during the past 5 days. Marriage really is a problem here. No one is married here. They just live together. So we've been stressing why marriage is important and inviting people to get married. We've been successful with one family. It's really hard for the people to get married here because you need documents to get married, no one has them, and it's hard to get them. We've invited more people to be baptized as well. We have 4 more people with dates for the 25 of octubre. I'm excited to help these people to be ready for that date. I can see now why a mission is hard work. I get frustrated with myself sometimes when I can't understand what's going on or what's being said. Then I just remember- It's my second week here! I know with time I will learn the language.
So.... I got a little sick this last week. I'm over it now. It was pretty much a small cold. Runny nose and a head ache. The food isn't agreeing with my stomach so we all know what that leads to! However the food, for the most part, is fantastic! Also the drinks! So good. Peru is really dry and dusty! Nothing stays clean for long, So I finally had my first anti-mormon confrontation. We were walking from the bank after getting money for the month and a guy from the United States said. "Oooo we got a guy from Salt Lake City baby, you're going to h#//!!!! " I simply said, "No, I'm from Alabama!" and kept walking. It made me laugh.

I'm really excited to get to watch conference and hear from living apostoles y el profeta, Thomas S. Monson.... IN SPANISH. So I hope I understand what they're saying. I can always read their talks next month, but I'd like to understand them now.

I hope everything is going well for you and everyone at home! I pray for you all everyday. I definitely am missing home a bit. However I know it's more important that I help other people. I'm starting to get used to the freezing cold showers! ha!ha!

I miss and love you all,
Elder Wilson

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